
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - 6.1_emacs_manuals_1er - emacs/outline-mode.:ej
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(W[0 +8+fq(+4)[1
fq1"l 0'
z9~D	{V^hBry.& Fill Outline Paragraph & Setup OUTLINE-MODE LibraryOutline Mode^R Fill Outline Paragraph^R Set Outline Fill Prefix~DIRECTORY~"~DOC~ & Fill Outline Paragraph&~DOC~ & Setup OUTLINE-MODE Library~DOC~ Outline Mode#~DOC~ ^R Fill Outline Paragraph$~DOC~ ^R Set Outline Fill Prefix~DOC~ ~FILENAME~~FILENAME~
~INVERT~OUTLINE-MODEUm(m.m& Init Buffer Locals)
M(M.MText Mode)
1,0M.LSpace Indent Flag
1,0m.lFill Prefix
m.m^R Set Outline Fill Prefixu:.x(,)
m.m^R Fill Outline ParagraphM.Q..Q
1M(M.M& Set Mode Line)Outline
q0m.vFill-Prefix Columnw
0uFill Prefix'
q0m(m.m& Indent)w
0xFill Prefix'
(Fill Prefix indents 0) 0fsEchoActivew

-:s"E bj @f
l '
"# 2l '
@f 	l
1< 0,1a--"e c 1;'
0,1a-("e :s):;'
(0,1a"'D)+(0,1a"'A)"N .u1
1a"D @f0123456789l '
"# c 0,1a"A c ''
0,1a-."E c 1;'
!(!0,1a-)"E c 1;'
q1j '
:i*Unrecognized <outline-paragraph-marker> type fsErrw >
@f 	l
@m(m.m^R Set Outline Fill Prefix)w
.( .:w
m(m.m& Fill Outline Paragraph)
0l @f 	k
.,(g1).( z-q0j 0a-13"e r'
 qFill Prefixu2
qFill-Prefix Columnu3
qFill Columnf"ew'f[AdLine
fsAdLine-q3[Fill Column
0[Fill Prefix

"e zj' z-.u1
< @f 	k
l .-z+q1; >
@m(m.m^R Fill Region)w z-.u1
m.m& Indent
.,( < 13,1a-13"n q3mIw'
l .-z+q1; >
).f ,0fo..qOUTLINE-MODE Setup Hookf"n[0m0w'xCommands to implement XEDish outline mode.
If you use this, contact JPERSHING@BBNA to be put on the mailing list.
?C Redefine , and M-Q for editing outlines.
, (i.e. Control-X Comma) is defined to run ^R Set Outline Fill Prefix.
Tab runs ^R Tab to Tab Stop.
Meta-Q runs ^R Fill Outline Paragraph, which also calls , and therefore
    resets the fill prefix which should be convenient for editing:
    Just go to an outline paragraph, Meta-Q it (even if it doesn't need to be
    filled, it will cause it to recheck what the fill prefix should be).
;^R To be indentation of point.
Fill Prefix becomes enough whitespace to indent (from left margin) to
    the horizontal position of point.
Fill-Prefix Column is set to the horizontal position this indents to.
(Thus there can be non-whitespace to the left of point, e.g. a outline
    paragraph start.
l^R Recognizes indented outline paragraphs.
Finds start of this outline paragraph, resets Fill Prefix from that and
    then fills the paragraph.
Paragraph start is:
    <blank-line> <whitespace> <outline-paragraph-marker> <whitespace>
    where <whitespace> is 0 or more spaces and/or tabs.

    <outline-paragraph-marker> ::= "-" | "(" <non-whitespace> ")" | <digits.>
			         | <alpha.> | <alpha><alpha.>
    <digits.> ::= <digits> | <digits> "." | <digits> ")"
    <alpha.>  ::= <alpha> "." | <alpha> ")"
    where <digits> is one or more digits
    and <alpha> is (exactly) one non-delimiter.
S Like ^R Fill Paragraph a bit.
Removes any initial indentation of lines.
MARK should be at beginning of paragraph.  End is <blank-line>.
hS IVORY-Generated Setup -- Calls hook.

This object file was compressed on 7:12pm  Sunday, 27 July 1980
by JPERSHING on BBNA from the following source libraries:

   DSK:<JPERSHING>OUTLINE-MODE.IVORY.3000,	06/15/80 21:20:27Outline Mode
^R Set Outline Fill Prefix
^R Fill Outline Paragraph
& Fill Outline Paragraph
& Setup OUTLINE-MODE Library
\+8+fq(+4)[2 0[3
< %3,-q2f2u3 q3&1@; q3"l 0' >
f[BBind q3-1*5,q3*5g2 q:..o(0)+q2